
Getting a new Rector - update 9th October 2024

Getting a new Rector - update 9th October 2024

Having sent off the version of the benefice profile approved by the Ministry Team, churchwardens and AWA, we have received back a helpful list of suggested amendments from Catherine, our archdeacon. Alan Cossey, as the main link, also had a phone chat with her.

The ministry team have amended the benefice profile and the latest version has this morning (Wednesday) been sent off to Catherine for her perusal and, hopefully, passing on to Bishop Jane.

If Jane and Catherine are OK with it, our intention is to have a "Section 11" meeting on Wednesday 23rd October of the PCCs together and formally sign off the profile and to appoint parish reps to take part in the interview process. Parish reps have to be members of the PCCs and it is likely that each parish will have one such rep apart from Mattishall, which will have two reps to represent two of the three congregations there. Parish reps have to be able to truly represent their congregations. Since ASM 9.00 and 10.30 congregations are somewhat different, we are looking for two reps. There will not be a rep for the monthly Oasis congregation at ASM, two reps being the maximum per parish. However, reps, including how many, will be formally decided at that Section 11 meeting.

When the benefice profile has been approved by the joint meeting of the PCCs, we will make it generally available to everyone. We have not made it generally available so far as we are up to version 10 and it might be confusing if various versions were flying around. Please be assured, though, that the PCCs have been diligent in representing their parishes and we have taken into account the things discusses and voted for at the Vision Day in July to which everyone was invited.

A very rough timescale for the continuation of the process is as follows. Please note, though, that it may well vary, particularly if Catherine or Jane need us to make any more changes to the profile.

1) Approval of benefice profile and appointment of parish reps by the end of October.

2) The post of Rector gets advertised. The joint PCCs meeting is where this will be requested (if we decide that is what we want). It will definitely be posted at Vacancies - Diocese of Norwich and we can ask for (and pay for!) it to be posted in the Church Times. There will also be word of mouth...

3) Closing date for applications would be around 6th January 2025.

4) Interview day would be 19th February 2025.

Assuming we get at least one applicant, he/she would be shown around the benefice on that interview day, meeting people at each church (and church office), would meet with the Ministry Team, have lunch and then there would be a formal interview with, probably, Bishop Jane, Archdeacon Catherine and the parish reps.

If that interview concludes positively, an offer would be made, but no-one on the interview panel is allowed to tell anyone that. The reason for this is not to be awkward, but the applicant might not then want the job, a parish rep might object or, if all goes well, the announcement of appointment would need to be done simultaneously in their current benefice (assuming they have one) and here in ours. It would not be right for news to slip out and, say, their benefice to find out from our end that they are losing their incumbent. Note that the appointee will likely have a 3-month notice period to serve out, just like Mark M. did here. Please don't ask the parish reps how things went!

Additional bit...

So, if we find someone who wants to come here, we might be talking about a start around early June. However, if they have children in school they might want them to finish their school year ... and then holiday... so we might be taking about a start of late August or early September. At least we have got some idea of what might happen.


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Getting a new Rector - update

Getting a new Rector - update

Dear all,

The Ministry Team (Sally, Jackie Crisp, Mel and Alan) the churchwardens (Jools, Chrissie, Rosemary, Susan, Sue, Sarah, Clarke, Su and Janet), Anne Molyneux as AWA and Mandy as Benefice Administrator, have taken the information from the benefice Vision Day in July (to which everyone was invited and a good number came to), the various PCCs' suggestions  and melded them into a draft Benefice Profile. The people mentioned above met this last Tuesday and gave it their approval (so far). Copies have now gone to all the PCCs. Jackie has been the driving force behind bringing the profile together and Heather Flint has put the document together into a suitable form (and helped the churchwardens with suggestions).

This draft profile has been sent to our Archdeacon, Catherine, for her to look at and possibly make further suggestions.

Our intention is for the various PCCs to meet on Wednesday 9th October in what is known as a Section 11 meeting to formally agree the profile and appoint parish reps to represent the benefice/parishes when we get to the point of interviewing anyone who applies and is seen as a viable Rector. Once the profile has been formally agreed by the PCCs we'll make it more widely available.

FYI, there is a sort of "holding" vacancy notice about the benefice at Vacancies - Diocese of Norwich in the Archdeaconry of Lynn section, which mentions the hope of advertising the vacancy in late autumn. We will try to get it advertised as early as possible, bearing in mind that the Section 11 meeting is on October 9th.


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Vacancy for Rector

Vacancy for Rector

As spoken of elsewhere on this website, in our services and on the benefice Facebook page ( we have been without a rector since Mark finished in May. We are currently going through the process of consulting our congregations (we had a "vision day" in July) and our PCCs (parochial church councils, one for each parish) are drawing up the information they would like to go in a combined benefice profile. The benefice ministry team has been drawing up a description of the benefice as a whole.

The ministry team is aiming to meet up with all the churchwardens later this month and have the benefice profile agreed by all the PCCs by about 9th October in consultation with our Archdeacon, Catherine, and Bishop Jane. The next step will then be to make the benefice profile available to those who may be interested in joining us. We are appreciative of Catherine's proactive role in helping us, including the posting of Mattishall and Tudd Valley as looking for a new rector even before we here in the benefice got started. Please see our benefice highlighted at Vacancies - Diocese of Norwich. This was put in place back in June.

For more information about the process, please ask any of the ministry team (Rev. Sally Thurgill, Alan Cossey (LLM), Jackie Crisp (LLM) and Mel Stevenson (LLM)).


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Rector Vacancy Update

Rector Vacancy Update

As of Sunday 12th May, things are getting underway. When Archdeacon Catherine visited the benefice as part of her already planned "visitation" in April, she met for a short while with the churchwardens who had been already elected. All the churchwardens now elected and the Ministry Team* are going to meet with Catherine and our Rural Dean, Tim Weathersone, on Wednesday 5th June. In the meantime, Catherine will be meeting the Ministry Team on Monday 13th May.

For people who may be interested in becoming Rector of Mattishall and Tudd Valley Benefice, there is already some basic information available at Scroll down to "Upcoming Clergy Vacancies" and then to "Archeaconry of Lynn"

* What was formerly known as the Staff Team is now known as the Ministry Team, the term usually used throughout our diocese and in parish profiles used in vacancies like ours. As with many tltles it can be misunderstood, particularly as there are many in the benefice who exercise different ministries, but when you see "Ministry Team" please think "clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs)".

We will be doing our very best to keep everyone up-to-date with things as they happen.


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