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We are a group of Church of England congregations (in Church of England-speak, a "benefice"). We are an ordinary group of people who have come to know and love God as we have discovered he first loved us, revealing himself to humanity above all through Jesus Christ. Our aim is to help each other grow as followers of Jesus Christ and introduce others to him. Please move your mouse over the images below to see the information that is available from this site. Click on the relevant image to go to that information.

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Induction and installation of Andrea Woods (being made rector!) at Carlton Colville

Tue, 10 Sep, 2024, 7pm @ St. Peter's Church, Carlton Colville - see https://what3words.com/affirming.truly.light
Induction and installation of Andrea Woods (being made rector!) at Carlton Colville

Andrea is being made Rector of Carlton Colville and Mutford at St. Peter's Church on this evening. Andrea is inviting anyone from the benefice who wants to come along to do just that. You can see the location of that church at https://what3words.com/affirming.truly.light.

Nearer the time we'll sort out lifts there and back. In the meantime, if you want to go, please let Andrea know at rector.carltonandmutford@gmail.com.

Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

1 month to go

Coming Up...

From scroll to best-selling paperback - the adventures behind how we got our Bible (includes exploration of issues of Bible translation and a bit on the work of Wycliffe Bible translators and the Bible Society).

From scroll to best-selling paperback - the adventures behind how we got our Bible (includes exploration of issues of Bible translation and a bit on the work of Wycliffe Bible translators and the Bible Society). (3 months to go)

Mattishall, All Saints

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