Fortnightly men's group

Fortnightly men's group

We have found Zoom a big help to us in meeting together in that our group includes one or two people from well outside the benefice. We start at 7.30 p.m. fortnightly on Monday evenings and finish around 9.00 p.m. If you are a bloke and interested in trying us out, do please get in contact, e.g. by emailing Alan Cossey at

Recently we followed the Dangerous Faith course created by Open Doors, an organisation that supports persecuted Christians, and then the Romans course ( from Bible Society, presented by Andrew Ollerton, who also presented The Bible Course, which many in our benefice have taken part in.

Currently, we are following the Among the Ashes course from Open Doors (

Our summer break will last until we start meeting again in early September.



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