What We're Doing

We are a group of Church of England congregations (in Church of England-speak, a "benefice"). We are an ordinary group of people who have come to know and love God as we have discovered he first loved us, revealing himself to humanity above all through Jesus Christ. Our aim is to help each other grow as followers of Jesus Christ and introduce others to him. Please move your mouse over the images below to see the information that is available from this site. Click on the relevant image to go to that information.

Sunday Worship
Home Groups
Men's group
Men's breakfasts
Little Angels
Who Let The Dads Out?
Drop Ins
Fun Stuff

Holy Communion - Maundy Thursday

Thu, 17 Apr, 2025, 7:30pm - 8:30pm @ East Tuddenham, All Saints'
Holy Communion - Maundy Thursday


Contact Sally for more details -

3 weeks to go

Coming Up...

Easter Day - Holy Communion

Easter Day - Holy Communion (4 weeks to go)

North Tuddenham, St. Mary's

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