Sally profile

Rev. Sally Thurgill

I was ordained as an Ordained Local Minister in 2002. Although I lead services throughout the benefice, I focus my ministry on the smaller churches of the benefice. I am passionate about prayer and helping young people to learn more about the Bible and Jesus and our links with our local school are very important to me.

I have lived all of my life in Norfolk. Home is in Yaxham with husband Colin, who used to be a local builder, and our two dogs Anser and Lily. We have a son and daughter, both married and we now have three grandchildren who bring us great joy.

Mark profile

Rev. Mark McCaghrey

Mark grew up in rural Norfolk before being ordained in Surrey in 1994. Before coming to lead the Mattishall and Tudd Valley Benefice in 2012 he was Vicar of St. Andrew’s, Lowestoft for fifteen years. Mark is married to Fiona, who is a teacher with a vocation for working with children with special needs, and together they have four children. They now have two grandchildren as well. Mark has a particular interest in Luke chapter 15 and its meaning for the contemporary church.

Mark and Fiona have moved the Barton Mills benefice in Suffolk (think roundabout on the A11) and their last weekend in our benefice was Sunday 26th May, when we had a united benefice service and a shared lunch afterwards.

Mark will be licensed at St. Mary's, Barton Mills (IP28 6AP) on Wednesday 19th June at 7.30pm and all are very welcome. Lifts can be arranged. If you are thinking of coming, please let Mark or Fiona know so that the St. Mary's people know rough numbers.

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