Sunday Service Pattern

July 2024 28th Jul
Hockering  09:00 Morning Worship
(Hockering, St. Michael's)
Mattishall  09:00 Holy Communion
(Mattishall, All Saints')

10:30 Holy Communion
(Mattishall, All Saints')
Welborne  09:00 Sunday Special
(Welborne, All Saints')
Yaxham  10:30 Morning Worship
(Yaxham, St. Peter's)
August 2024 4th Aug 7th Aug 11th Aug 18th Aug 21st Aug 25th Aug
East Tuddenham  10:30 Morning Worship
(East Tuddenham, All Saints')
     10:30 Holy Communion
(East Tuddenham, All Saints')
Hockering  09:00 Morning Worship
(Hockering, St. Michael's)
   09:00 Holy Communion (traditional)
(Hockering, St. Michael's)
     09:00 Morning Worship
(Hockering, St. Michael's)
Mattishall  09:00 Sunday Special
(Mattishall, All Saints')

10:30 Morning Worship (informal)
(Mattishall, All Saints')
   09:00 Morning Worship
(Mattishall, All Saints')

10:30 Morning Worship (informal)
(Mattishall, All Saints')
 09:00 Morning Worship
(Mattishall, All Saints')

10:30 Morning Worship (informal)
(Mattishall, All Saints')
   09:00 Holy Communion
(Mattishall, All Saints')

10:30 Holy Communion
(Mattishall, All Saints')
North Tuddenham  10:30 Morning Worship
(North Tuddenham, St. Mary's)
     10:30 Holy Communion (traditional)
(North Tuddenham, St. Mary's)
Welborne  09:00 Morning Worship
(Welborne, All Saints')
   09:00 Morning Worship
(Welborne, All Saints')
 09:00 Holy Communion
(Welborne, All Saints')
   09:00 Sunday Special
(Welborne, All Saints')
Yaxham    18:00 Informal Evening Prayer - Sally Thurgill on 01362 562419
(Yaxham, St. Peter's)
 10:30 Holy Communion
(Yaxham, St. Peter's)
   18:00 Informal Evening Prayer - Sally Thurgill on 01362 562419
(Yaxham, St. Peter's)
 10:30 Morning Worship
(Yaxham, St. Peter's)
October 2024 12th Oct
Mattishall  09:30 From scroll to best-selling paperback - the adventures behind how we got our Bible (includes exploration of issues of Bible translation and a bit on the work of Wycliffe Bible translators and the Bible Society). - Rev. Dr. Sue Woan
(Mattishall, All Saints)

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