Diary Dates Coming Up

Date Place Event
Sun 28th, 9am - 10am Mattishall, All Saints' Holy Communion
Sun 28th, 10:30am - 11:45am Mattishall, All Saints' Holy Communion
Sun 4th, 9am - 10am Mattishall, All Saints' Sunday Special
Sun 4th, 10:30am - 11:45am Mattishall, All Saints' Morning Worship (informal)
Sun 11th, 9am - 10am Mattishall, All Saints' Morning Worship
Sun 11th, 10:30am - 11:45am Mattishall, All Saints' Morning Worship (informal)
Sun 18th, 9am - 10am Mattishall, All Saints' Morning Worship
Sun 18th, 10:30am - 11:45am Mattishall, All Saints' Morning Worship (informal)
Sun 25th, 9am - 10am Mattishall, All Saints' Holy Communion
Sun 25th, 10:30am - 11:45am Mattishall, All Saints' Holy Communion
Tue 10th, 7pm St. Peter's Church, Carlton Colville - see https://what3words.com/affirming.truly.light Induction and installation of Andrea Woods (being made rector!) at Carlton Colville
Sat 12th, 9:30am - 3pm Mattishall, All Saints From scroll to best-selling paperback - the adventures behind how we got our Bible (includes exploration of issues of Bible translation and a bit on the work of Wycliffe Bible translators and the Bible Society). - Rev. Dr. Sue Woan

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