Mattishall Community Supper and Social

4 days ago

Mattishall Community Supper and Social

Do join us for our Community Supper and Social on Friday 12th July. It is a free event and will have buffet style food and there will be lots of fun and entertainment, including music, storytelling and a quiz.


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Contact Lizzie for more details -

United Benefice Service with Holy Communion followed by shared lunch

2 months ago

United Benefice Service with Holy Communion followed by shared lunch

This will be Mark and Fiona's final service in the benefice before they move to their new benefice at Barton Mills in Suffolk. Do come along to join us in saying "Thank you." There will also be a shared lunch after the service, so do please bring some food along if you can. For those who normally worship at ASM, there is a food signup sheet at the back.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Good Friday walk of witness

4 months ago

Good Friday walk of witness

Do join us for our walk of witness on Good Friday.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Maundy Thursday Supper

4 months ago

Maundy Thursday Supper

Do join us for our Maundy Thursday supper in All Saints, Mattishall


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Contact Mark for more details -

Dan Gower from Open Doors

4 months ago

Dan Gower from Open Doors

On Sunday 3rd March, Dan Gower from Open Doors is coming to tell us more about Open Doors and their work with persecuted Christians around the world. Open Doors is a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians around the world. They work with local partners to distribute Bibles and Christian literature, give discipleship training and provide practical support, such as emergency relief aid. Open Doors' stated aims are to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians from around the world. Over 365 million Christians face persecution and discrimination - that's one in seven believers worldwide. You can stand with believers counting the highest cost for following Jesus.

Since becoming a Christian 40+ years ago, finding out about Open Doors, their work with persecuted Christians and hearing, at Open Doors events, from persecuted Christians from places like North Korea, Nigeria and Syria have been the biggest challenge - and encouragement - for me in all that time.

If you want to find out what real Christianity is all about, do come to one of our services on 3rd March. There will be more information at the 10.30 since we have more flexibility in the length of the service, but you are welcome to come to either (9.00 or 10.30).

Alan Cossey


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Mattishall Community Choir Christmas Concert

7 months ago

Mattishall Community Choir Christmas Concert

Do join us for the latest concert by the Mattishall Community Choir for an evening of music and readings. Light refreshments will be available. Entry is free, with any donations going to charity.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Fun Activities Afternoon

7 months ago

Fun Activities Afternoon

Do join us for our popular annual Christmas Fun Activities Afternoon (games, craft, refreshments, music) at All Saints, Mattishall, run in conjunction with Mattishall Parish Council. Entry to the event is free, though there is a £3 charge per child for seeing Father Christmas. After we finish in ASM, there will be more refreshments on the village green, with the singing of Christmas songs until 5pm when the Christmas Tree lights will be switched on.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

7 months ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

It's time for the December Who Let The Dads Out? this coming Saturday 2nd December at All Saints' Church, Mattishall. As ever, there are plenty of games and toys for kiddies of school year 2 and under as well as a chance for dads to get together (and give mum a bit of peace and quiet). There will be bacon rolls and snacks. We run from 9.00 until 10.30, but you are welcome to join us when you want and stay as long as you want during that time. If you have any questions, please do get in touch via or ring as below.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Memorial Service

8 months ago

Memorial Service

Memorial Service at All Saints' Church, Mattishall.

Sunday 26th November at 4pm

 A quiet, reflective service with an opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones



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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Valuation Day

8 months ago

Valuation Day

Everyone is invited to bring antiques and collectibles for valuation by auctioneers at our Valuation Day at All Saints, Mattishall. Cost £3 per item with maximum of 4 items. Proceeds to Foodbank and ASM. 


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Contact Jackie for more details -

The Space

8 months ago


After half term we are starting a Youth Drop-In in Mattishall for year 6 upwards on a Thursday afternoon after school every other week. It will be very chilled and lots of fun. Feel free to join us after you have got off the bus. You’d be very welcome.

The Space


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Quiz Night

9 months ago

Quiz Night

Fancy a quiz? North Tuddenham are running their Quiz Night on the evening of Saturday 21st October. See the accompanying poster for details.


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Contact Mike for more details - 07951 956906

Mark my Word and John - The Word becomes Flesh

9 months ago

Mark my Word and John - The Word becomes Flesh


In the Mattishall and Tudd Valley benefice we use the Church of England lectionary when planning which texts to use as the basis of our sermons on Sundays. The lectionary is used by several major denominations and its aim is to help ensure that, over a 3 year period, the most important subjects get preached on at some point. With the New Testament Matthew's gospel is used one year (Year A), then Mark's the following year (Year B) and finally Luke's (Year C) before going back to Matthew and repeating the cycle. At certain important points in the church year (largely Christmas and Easter) parts of John's gospel are used each year. At certain points in the year (again around Christmas and around Easter) we are required to use some of the texts set for each Sunday, though there is some choice possible, but the rest of the year we can choose other readings if we so wish, e.g. if we want to do a series on something, such as the Beatitudes, which we did some time back.

Each new church year starts at the start of Advent and in 2023 it is 3rd December 2023. Thus, this December we will be entering Year B and hence will be majoring on Mark's gospel and continuing to use John's as required.

We are, therefore, taking the opportunity to ask Sue Woan back to spend a morning with us looking at Mark's gospel and then John's gospel after lunch.


  • "Mark my word" - an exploration of Mark's gospel, will include extra focus on Mark’s beginnings and endings, which are very different from the other gospels. Why?
  • "John - the Word becomes flesh" – includes a focus on the differences from synoptics (Matthew, Mark and Luke), the ‘signs’ and the I AM sayings which so shocked the Jewish leaders.

Sue has previous led days at ASM on "A Romp Through The Old Testament" and "Walking in New Testament Sandals", which have gone well. As with those previous events, there is no charge for the day, though contributions would be welcomed.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Quiet Morning 

9 months ago

Quiet Morning 

Date for your diary…

All Saints Church, Mattishall

Saturday, 14th October 2023


More details later.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Coffee Morning on Saturday 16th September

10 months ago

Coffee Morning on Saturday 16th September

Do please join us for our first coffee morning after the summer break on Saturday 16th September from 10 till 12 noon. There will be cakes, a raffle, bric-a-brac, a tombola, books and light refreshments.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

North Tuddenham Organists Entertain

10 months ago

North Tuddenham Organists Entertain

St Marys Church,  North Tuddenham presents

Our Organists Entertain

Dougal Smith Neville Willis & Sam Eglington

Saturday 9th September, 7:30 for 8pm start

Dougal, Neville & Sam & play their favourite individual pieces while Sam also delights us with his baritone skills.

Wine and nibbles at the interval

£5 per ticket.  Book tickets through


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Contact Mike for more details - 07951 956906

Church Fayre at North Tuddenham

1 year ago

Church Fayre at North Tuddenham

Please join us as we celerate the restoration of the towere and window. We shall be having live folk music with Sophie Wren, food and other refreshments, stalls, a raffle and a church tour.


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Contact Mike for more details - 07951 956906


1 year ago


On Sunday 9th July we will be holding our second free Oasis event at 4pm until about 5pm for famiiles with children from newborns up to the end of primary school age. As last time, we will be having a song or two, craft, drama and, for the second part, refreshments (a light tea).

We would love to see you there.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Service Sunday 30th April

1 year ago

Benefice Service Sunday 30th April

This Sunday's benefice service will be dedicated to Christians Against Poverty, CAP.  Keith Pickersgill is coming from CAP HQ to explain, biblically, the reason for CAP and how lives have been transformed by the provision of debt counselling and how it releases people from poverty and despair. 

You are all most welcome to come and it would be good to see you all there.


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Contact Jackie for more details -

A Romp Through the Old Testament

1 year ago

A Romp Through the Old Testament


Following on from the success of the "Walking in New Testament sandals" day in October, we have booked Sue Woan for another workshop, this time a "Romp through the Old Testament".

Interested in coming? Have a chat with someone who came to the "Walking in New Testament sandals" day to see what they thought of it.

If you came to "Walking in New Testament sandals" and found it helpful, enjoyable and interesting, do tell other people about it and invite them along to this.

This will be an inter-active day of exploration, new insights and fun led by the Revd Dr Sue Woan,

Absolutely NO previous knowledge of the Old Testament required but please bring a Bible and a pen.

All other materials will be provided. Bookstall available with useful resources.

You are guaranteed to laugh….to learn…..and to long for more!

To quote Sue, "Through a series of fun activities discover how the geography, the history, the developing theology of the writers and key on-going themes shaped the Hebrew Scriptures."


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Easter Family Fun Day

1 year ago

Easter Family Fun Day



· Collect your Easter trail sheet from the
Mattishall Church porchway between
10.00 am - 12 noon and bring your completed
trail sheet back for the afternoon.

· Easter craft and refreshments.
· Interactive Easter story with action songs.
· Prize giving for Easter trail.
Further details please contact
Church Office 01362 858873 or


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Maundy Thursday Agape

1 year ago

Maundy Thursday Agape

Dear friends,

In 2019 Fiona and I hosted a Maundy Thursday Supper at ASM, which seemed to go well. However for obvious reasons we were unable to do it in 2020-2022, so we are planning it again this year.

It will be at All Saints Mattishall on Maundy Thursday (April 6th) at 6pm and is an informal communion service with a light supper (soup, salad, cheese and ham) and set of meditative readings as we reflect on the Last Supper.

Fiona will be catering, so will be grateful to know if you are hoping to come. Please contact her at by 9am Wednesday 5th April, giving her any dietary requirements. We will be over-catering, so don’t worry if you haven’t signed up, but if you think you are likely to come please do let her know so we can get the amounts right.

If you like to know roughly what it will look like before you come, then please see  the schedule for 2019 that Mark sent round by email. The readings and songs will be different this year, but the general format will be the same.

With every blessing,



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Contact Mark for more details -

Quiet Morning in Lent

1 year ago

Quiet Morning in Lent

We are having another "Quiet Morning" in All Saints, Mattishall on Saturday 11th March 2023. It will include Scripture-led meditation, a creative space, a reflective space and a prayer path.

We have had two of these quiet mornings over the last year and people have found them very helpful, giving people an opportunity to get away from the hussle bussle of our daily lives and spend time with God. Do please come if you can.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Christmas Fun Afternoon

2 years ago

Christmas Fun Afternoon

Do join us for the Christmas Fun Afternoon at All Saints', Mattishall. There will be lots of famiy fun, crafts, games, refreshments and more. Entry is free.

Father Christmas will be in his grotto (£3 per child).

Aftewards, there will be refreshments and Christmas songs on the village green from 4pm, followed by the switching on the of the Christmas tree lights at 5pm


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday we have our monthly session of Who Let The Dads Out? running from 9.00 to 10.30. WTLDO is a group for dads (and other male carers) and their kids aged from zero to school year 2. We have shedloads of toys for the kids and dads can join in too with ones like (magnetic) darts, table football, air hockey, a large Jenga and a large Connect 4. We have bacon rolls and snacks for the kids as well as unlimited drinks (decent coffee included). The cost is £1.50 if one kiddie accompanies the dad or £2 total for families of more than one kiddie attending. Food and drinks are free.

We would love to see you there on Saturday. Come along at whatever time you want and stay for as long or as short a time as you want as well. If you have any queries, do contact Alan Cossey on 01362 857904 or


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Christmas Fayre

2 years ago

Christmas Fayre

You are warmly invited to this year's Christmas Fayre at All Saints' Church, Mattishall. There will be gifts and homemade crafts, cakes, refreshments and light lunches.


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Contact Jackie for more details -

Bright Party

2 years ago

Bright Party

Do join us for our annual fun Bright Party on Monday 31st October at ASM from 5 pm to 6.30 pm. There is no entry charge!

All ages are welcome, with us aiming the activities mainly at children of primary school age. There will be free refreshments, games, crafts, sweets and treats.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

A Fresh Start: Women's Day

2 years ago

A Fresh Start: Women's Day

A Women's Day for the East of England


Speakers: Becky Harcourt and Julia Chamberlin


Join us for an opportunity to pray and worship, to be challenged, encouraged and inspired to experience God's power.


You are warmly invited to join in a day specifically for women from the East of England on Saturday 22nd October in All Saints' Church, Mattishall, Dereham, Norfolk.




The Day:

From 9.00 a.m. Arrive and register
 9.30 a.m. Welcome and worship
10.15 a.m. Session 1
11.00 a.m. Coffee break
11.45 a.m. Session 2
 1.00 p.m. Lunch
 2.00 p.m. Welcome back, worship, testimony
2.45-4.00 p.m. Final session with ministry and closing


All Saints' Church is situated in the centre of Mattishall on Church Plain (NR20 3QF) off the A47. The precise location of the entrance to the church can be seen at More details on the best places to park will be given here nearer the time. If you need to park close to the church, please email


£15.00 (includes drinks)

(Students/senior citizens/concessions £10)

Please bring your own lunch.

To book:

Book online HERE.

Alternative, download the booking form from HERE.

If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to "Mattishall PCC" and return to Church Office, Dereham Road, Mattishall, NR20 3QA.



Ring the church office on 01362 858873 or Sue Cossey on 01362 857904.

Times and details may be subject to change


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 1st October we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 2 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. 

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like.. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Eddie for more details -

Walking in New Testament Sandals

2 years ago

Walking in New Testament Sandals

This event will be led by Rev. Dr. Sue Woan, who has a gift of bringing the New Testament alive. It will be an interactive day of exploration, new insights and FUN, including walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

Through interactive presentations, discover how geography, politics, festivals and the individual perspectives of Matthew, Mark Luke and John have resulted in 4 gospels. The day includes a unique visit to ‘Churches Together in Rome’ and a personal encounter with St Paul!

No previous knowledge of the New Testament is required, but please bring a bible if you can (we will have some available to borrow as well). Sandals are optional!

The event is free, though any donations would be welcome. Bring your own lunch. Drinks will be provided throughout the day.

Please book in advance  at Walking in New Testament sandals Tickets, Sat 24 Sep 2022 or contact our church office or the Vicar, Mark McCaghrey, on 01362 850971. Alternatively, sign up on the list at the back of All Saint's, Mattishall.

Please also let us know if you need handouts in large print. We have a loop system in ASM on the north side (marked up, but please ask if it is unclear).

The event starts at 9.30 (drinks) for a prompt 10.00 start. We expect to finish at about 15.00.

UPDATE: If you are unable to get along to our session,  you may be interested to learn that Sue Woan will be running a similar session at St Edwards Church, Lammas Road, Badersfield, NR10 5LG the following Saturday 1st October with the same time details. For their event, please contact Mother Shawn Marie on 07788420813 or email

UPDATE 2: If you have asked to be able to park near the church, you should already have received notification of where you can best park (the church rooms car park). For those of you who are ASM regulars and have not asked to be able to park right near the church, would you please avoid using the church rooms car park. There is street parking as usual, but The Swan pub have kindly said we can also use their car park at the top end of Burgh Lane. This can be seen at If you use that car park, we suggest you then use the entrance to ASM’s churchyard on the Dereham Road side of the church at


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Norfolk Churches Trust Bike Ride

2 years ago

Norfolk Churches Trust Bike Ride

The annual sponsored bike ride takes place on Saturday 10th September this year. Details can be found at Bike Ride & Walk - The Norfolk Churches Trust. Please see the link for details about times, locations, etc.

Please note that this clashes with the very important Away Day for the Mattishall congregations. We do hope that people in the benefice other than from ASM will be able to support this.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Who Let The Dads Out?

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?
Our next Who Let The Dads Out? session is Saturday 3rd September. Hope to see dads there. We'll have bacon rolls, coffee, tea, snacks and drinks for the young uns. As ever, kiddies up to and including school year 2 (as of lthis new school year) are very welcome as long as they bring a dad or other male carer too!
The new slide will be out again as well as table football, air hockey, magnetic darts and so on will continue to be there. We'll also be having fun with the parachute again at the end of the session.
The cost of a session remains at £2 per family group.
Do join us if you can and stay for as long or as short a time as you like. No need to let us know beforehand whether you are coming. We would love to see you there.

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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out? of 6th August - CANCELLED

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out? of 6th August - CANCELLED

I'm afraid we are having to cancel our Who Let The Dads Out? session due on Saturday 6th August due to a double-booking of ASM. I'm really sorry about this.

We'll be meeting as normal again on Saturday 3rd September, so looking forward to seeing everyone then.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 1st July we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 2 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. 

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like.. The cost is £2 per family group per session. Normally, we meet on the 1st Saturday of the month, but this month we are meeting on the 2nd Saturday due to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations taking place over the 1st weekend of June.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Eddie for more details -

Men's Breakfast

2 years ago

Men's Breakfast

If you are a bloke, you are cordially invited to join us for chat, witty banter and good food at Tabnabs on Saturday for about an hour.

If you can let Alan know beforehand that you are coming, it would help as we let Tabnabs know how many we expect to come, but it is not essential.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

2 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 11th June we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 2 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. 

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like.. The cost is £2 per family group per session. Normally, we meet on the 1st Saturday of the month, but this month we are meeting on the 2nd Saturday due to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations taking place over the 1st weekend of June.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Eddie for more details -

Quiet Morning

2 years ago

Quiet Morning

Do join us for a Quiet Morning on  Saturday, 28th May 2022 from 10.00 am  to 12.30pm at  All Saints’ Church, Mattishall
Come as you are for the whole morning or just for a short while.

Reflective spaces, creative spaces, prayer path or just be still.

‘Be still and know that I am God’  Psalm 46:10


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Ascension Day Communion

2 years ago

Ascension Day Communion

Do please join us for our communion service to celebrate the ascension of Jesus.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Men's Breakfast

2 years ago

Men's Breakfast

If you are a bloke, you are cordially invited to join us for chat, witty banter and good food at Tabnabs on Saturday for about an hour. 

If you can let Alan know beforehand that you are coming, it would help as we let Tabnabs know how many we expect to come, but it is not essential.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

World Day of Prayer Service 2022

2 years ago

World Day of Prayer Service 2022

This year it has been prepared by the women of the England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the theme of "I know the plans I have for you" from Jeremiah 29 v 1 - 14 reflecting on some of the issues facing us today.  We hope to hold the service in person this year and would appreciate offers from women to take part and read from the set service booklet.  If you are willing to assist please contact me by Monday 24th January so that we can organise the readers and make arrangements for a practice later in February.

All are welcome to attend on the day.

Thanking you

Eileen Browne


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

World Day of Prayer 2022

2 years ago

World Day of Prayer 2022

This year's World Day of Prayer service will take place at Mattishall Methodist Church.

For more details about the day of prayer generally, do have a look at


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Men's Breakfast

2 years ago

Men's Breakfast

If you are a bloke, you are cordially invited to join us for chat, witty banter and good food at Tabnabs on Saturday for about an hour. 

If you can let Alan know beforehand that you are coming, it would help as we let Tabnabs know how many we expect to come, but it is not essential.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Men's Breakfast

2 years ago

Men's Breakfast

If you are a bloke, you are cordially invited to join us for chat, witty banter and good food at Tabnabs on Saturday 15th for about an hour. We normally meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month, but we have had to move it back a week this month due to New Year's Day being on a Saturday this month and affecting another event.

If you can let Alan know beforehand that you are coming, it would help as we let Tabnabs know how many we expect to come, but it is not essential.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Advent Quiet Morning

3 years ago

Advent Quiet Morning

‘Come with Me  by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’   Mark 6:31b 

The Advent Quiet Morning is an opportunity to take some time out during this busy season. The morning will be centred on reflecting on scripture followed by some personal quiet time where you can engage with God in reflective and creative spaces, explore the thought provoking  Prayer Walk or simply rest in His presence.

If you've never been on a retreat, the Quiet Morning is a good place to explore what that would be like. 
You don’t have to stay for the whole morning, but you’ll get the most out of your time if you’re there from the start. 
Some find it helpful to bring a notebook or journal. 
We hope to see you there. 


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Men's Breakfast

3 years ago

Men's Breakfast

If you are a bloke, you are cordially invited to join us for chat, witty banter and good food at Tabnabs this coming Saturday for about an hour. If you can let Alan know beforehand that you are coming, it would help as we let Tabnabs know how many we expect to come, but it is not essential.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Memorial Service

3 years ago

Memorial Service

Our annual quiet, reflective service with an opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones.

There will be light refreshments after the service.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

A time to remember

3 years ago

A time to remember

Sunday 14th November, Remembrance Sunday
Come for an Act of Remembrance.

East Tuddenham, 10.30 at All Saints
Hockering, 10.30 at St. Michael’s
Mattishall, 10.40 on the Village Green
North Tuddenham, 10.50 on the drive
Welborne, 10.30 at All Saints
Yaxham, 10.45 at St. Peter’s

Monday 15th November to Saturday 20th November
Find peace in the tranquillity of your parish churches
Come in and sit or pray. There will be symbols available to help you remember, mourn and hope.

East Tuddenham, All Saints open 10am to 4pm
Hockering, St. Michael’s open 10am to 4pm
Mattishall, Key available from Victoria Stores (Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday)
North Tuddenham, unavailable owing to tower works 
Welborne, open 10am to 4pm
Yaxham, St. Peter’s, open 9am to 4pm

Sunday 21st November
East Tuddenham, 10.30 at All Saints

Hockering, 10.30 at St. Michael’s
Mattishall, 9:00 at All Saints (traditional)
                 10.30 at All Saints (contemporary)
North Tuddenham, unavailable owing to tower works
Welborne, 9:00 at All Saints
Yaxham, 10.30 at St. Peter’s
And our Annual Bereavement Memorial Service at 4pm at All Saints, Mattishall.



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Contact Mark for more details -

Drop In is restarting

3 years ago

Drop In is restarting

Drop In is restarting this coming Thursday 23rd September at 10 a.m., rather than 9.30 as we used to do.

Do join us if you can. We will be meeting in ASM itself rather than the church rooms as we think the church building is more welcoming. Do come along and let us know what you think.

If you have any questions, please do contact Liz Hunton or the church office.


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Contact Lizzie for more details -

Morning Worship

3 years ago

Morning Worship

As long as the weather is OK that day, we will be holding a benefice service on Mattishall village green. If the weather is not good enough, there will two services in ASM, at 9.00 and 10.30.

So, if the weather is OK, we get a chance to not wear masks and sing together!


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Traditional carol service

4 years ago

Traditional carol service

Do join us for a carol service with traditional carols.


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Contact Mark for more details -


4 years ago


Collect your free gift bag at All Saints' Church, Mattishall Tuesday 22nd December 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Contains everything you need to make a Christingle and much more, including details of the Mattishall Christmas trail (for Yaxham and Hockering these can be found in those churche's porches).

For Mattishall (Yaxham and Hockering are similar)... 

Your Christmas mission, should you wish to accept it, is to find 23 letters and 3 numbers which have been placed on Angel posters in windows. Your route will start from Church Plain taking the safe pathway across to the main Dereham Road towards The Swan, down Burgh Lane as far as Back Lane, along and into Parker’s Road and back round towards the Church Office.

Once all the letters and numbers have been spotted, you will need to use your decoding skills and rearrange them to complete an important message.

Feel free to submit your completed task by 31st December to email to go into a prize draw. We would love to share a photo of you and your family enjoying this Christmas mission, with your permission, on social media.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Yaxham - Remembrance Day Service

4 years ago

Yaxham - Remembrance Day Service

St Peter’s Church – Yaxham

Remembrance Day Service

8th November at 10.50 am

Due to Covid-19 rules and regulations:

  • The service will be held outside so please dress accordingly!
  • If you need to sit, please bring your own seat
  • Please wear a mask, thank you
  • We will be social distancing
  • Only 30 people will be allowed, so please let Jackie Crisp know if you would like to attend:
    • Drop a note to Three Gables, Clint Green,
    • Email
    • Call 01362 692387 and leave a message

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Contact Jackie for more details -

Benefice Remembrance Sunday

4 years ago

Benefice Remembrance Sunday

Please join us for our Remembrance Service on Zoom this coming Remembrance Sunday.  The Zoom Meeting will open from at least as early as 10.30 (with the service itself starting at 10.45). Please do join the Zoom Meeting well ahead of the start of the service if at all possible. Connection details are the usual

Directly from HERE.

or manually in Zoom using

Meeting ID: 834 0140 0096

Password: 858873

To join by phone, please ring one of the following numbers. When prompted, enter the meeting ID followed by #, when prompted for a participant ID just enter #, then finally when prompted enter the password followed by #

  • 0203 481 5237
  • 0203 481 5240
  • 0131 460 1196
  • 0203 051 2874

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Alan Cossey at


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Contact Mark for more details -

Andrea's First Communion Pilgrimage

4 years ago

Andrea's First Communion Pilgrimage

Dear friends,

I hope you will be able to join Andrea on Saturday and Sunday. I, for one, am also looking forward to breaking the fast of taking communion, and am thrilled that it will be Andrea who is presiding as we do so.

If you are able to join us on the (socially distanced) pilgrimage, that would be wonderful. So to help you please find copy our routes HERE and times across the benefice. We hope it is self-evident.

Above all, please do pray for Andrea at this very special time for her.

With every blessing,



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Contact Mark for more details -

Coffee morning

4 years ago

Coffee morning

Hi friends,

After the success of the last two coffee mornings hosted by Mark and Fiona we will be holding another one this week along the same lines.

Please feel free to join me on Zoom on Wednesday morning this week (10th June) from 10.00 am for about an hour for a virtual coffee morning,   Do bring along your coffee/tea and any other additional goodies and join us for a time of meeting up and chatting together.  It will be lovely to see as many of you as possible so do join me if you can. 

Details are as follows

Meeting ID: 844 7955 2415

Password: 451623

Look forward to seeing you.


Best wishes,

Sue Cossey


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Not only Red in Tooth and Claw - Cooperation as an Evolutionary Principle

4 years ago

Not only Red in Tooth and Claw - Cooperation as an Evolutionary Principle

Mattishall and Tudd Valley Benefice is hosting the Starbridge Lecturer in Theology and Natural Sciences, and Parker Preacher for 2020, Revd Dr. Andrew Davison at a Webinar on Zoom.

In his will in 1575, Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury to Elizabeth I, and Norfolk born, established the Parker Sermon – an annual sermon given on Rogation Sunday in Thetford and Mattishall by an appointee of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge with the purpose of education and edification.

This year, the Parker Preacher is the Dean of Corpus Christi College, and Starbridge Lecturer, Andrew Davison. In his life experience, Andrew bridges both Science and Theology. Andrew read Chemistry in the 1990s followed by a DPhil in Biochemistry. After ordination, he completed a PhD in philosophical theology at Cambridge, followed by ministry, teaching, lecturing and writing at Oxford and Cambridge, laterly moving to Cambridge and then taking up the position of Dean of Chapel at Corpus Christi in 2019.

His wide ranging career includes his year as a fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, on a NASA-sponsored programme to consider the implications for human society and self-understanding of life elsewhere in the universe, examining the significance of such 'exobiology' for the main aspects of the Christian faith and his book “Participation in God: A Study in Christian Doctrine and Metaphysics”, published in 2019.

As an expression of Matthew Parker’s vision for his sermon series, Andrew will be giving an illustrated webinar on 9th June 2020, on the topic of mutualism, or cross-species cooperation, another area of research for him. This webinar is free and open to all and will be held via Zoom on 9th June 2020 at 7:30pm, with the Zoom meeting ID of 883 7386 3056 and password of 563198.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Joint online worship for all the benefice

4 years ago

Joint online worship for all the benefice

From now on our Sunday Morning Services can be joined from

Meeting ID: 834 0140 0096

Password: 858873

To join by phone, please ring one of the following numbers. When prompted, enter the meeting ID followed by #, when prompted for a participant ID just enter #, then finally when prompted enter the password followed by #

  • 0203 481 5237
  • 0203 481 5240
  • 0131 460 1196
  • 0203 051 2874

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Contact Mark for more details -

Joint online worship for everyone in the Mattishall, Yaxham, North and East Tuddenham, Hockering and Welborne

4 years ago

Joint online worship for everyone in the Mattishall, Yaxham, North and East Tuddenham, Hockering and Welborne

This week we have a special preacher, Dr. Andrew Davison, who is Starbridge Lecturer in Theology and Natural Sciences at Cambridge University and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Andrew has a PhD in Natural Sciences and also in Theology and will be speaking on part of Paul's speech in Acts 17 where he tells us that all humans are descended from one stock. He describes his talk as a "feel good" talk.

To join us from 9:45 onwards, ready for our service, which starts at 10:00, please click HERE.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Easter Sunday

4 years ago

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Easter Sunday


On Sunday 12th April, Easter Day, at 10:00 (gathering from 9:45) we will be having a Celebration Service with Breaking of Bread ( Our circumstances may be peculiar or even heartbreaking, but Jesus is still Risen, so we will be gathering via Zoom for a service of praise and celebration on Easter Day. This service will be similar to our previous acts of Sunday Worship using Zoom, but we will be Breaking Bread together as well. We can’t have communion in its traditional sense, but we can still have a shared meal: just as Jesus revealed himself to the despairing disciples on the road to Emmaus through the breaking of bread (Luke 24:30) so we be gathering via Zoom to share in an act of breaking of bread together. Please bring enough bread to share with everyone who is in your household on Sunday as you ‘socially distance’ or ‘shield’ yourself to the service. The rest will be explained on Sunday. Again, we are looking for bible readers and people willing to pray. Please tell us you can help using this link: This service uses the same Meeting ID for our act of worship last week (and this will stay the same for all our Sunday Worship services in the future). Zoom Meeting ID: 224-497-494 Please see the Online Worship Together section for helpful tips for when taking part in our services.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Zoom - online practice

4 years ago

Zoom - online practice

If you wish to have a practice at joining our Zoom online services, do join us for our weekly practice session which will be available for an hour. Join us at any time during that hour.

Join us then either by

  • clicking on , which will automatically download the Zoom programme for you to install if you haven't already used Zoom on your device (iPad, iPhone, Android tablet/phone, e.g. Samsung Galaxy, or Windows laptop/PC) or
  • manually downloading and installing the Zoom program and starting it up. When you have installed Zoom, you will be given the option of joining a meeting. Click on that option and, when prompted, enter a meeting ID of 121-737-671. You will then be prompted for the password, which is 858873, which is the phone no. of the benefice office (for ease of remembering it).

If you have not already downloaded and installed the Zoom meeting, you can search for it in the Apple App Store (iPads and iPhones), the Play Store (Android tablets and phones, e.g. Samsung phones) or from

If you get stuck, please ring Alan on 01362 857904.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Good Friday reflection

4 years ago

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Good Friday reflection

On Friday 10th April, Good Friday, at 14:00 (gathering from 13:45) we will be having a Good Friday Reflection ( In the hour leading up to the hour of Crucifixion, Sally and Colin Thurgill will be leading us in a quiet and reflective act of contemplation as we reflect on what it meant for the Son of God to die on the Cross for us and to help us renew our faith in 2021. Zoom Meeting ID: 725-180-592


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Contact Sally for more details -

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Act of Witness

4 years ago

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Act of Witness

On Friday 10th April, Good Friday, at 11:00 (gathering from 10:45) we will be having an Act of Witness focusing on Mattishall ( Every year we have a ‘Walk of Witness’ joining the three church families who meet in Mattishall together with Christians who live in Mattishall but worship outside the village. Obviously, we can’t do that this year, but we are still going to pray for the village and use Zoom to join us together. We will be virtually ‘following’ our usual path through the village from the Evangelical Church down to All Saints Mattishall with stations along the way for singing, readings and prayer. Again if you are able to join and help with a reading and/or prayer let us know using the link: Zoom Meeting ID: 897-946-949


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Contact Mark for more details -

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Service of shadows

4 years ago

Joint online worship for all the benefice - Service of shadows

On Thursday 9th April, Maundy Thursday, at 19:30 (gathering from 19:15) we will be having a Service of Shadows ( This is based on the ancient service of Tenebrae and is a service of readings, songs, music and candles as we journey with Jesus from the Last Supper to the foot of the Cross. Last year we used a variation of this service for the first time in the benefice, but are adapting things for the Age of Zoom. It features ten readings, so we will need ten readers. If you are happy to help please let me know using this link: Please bring with you a candle, preferably a tea light if you have one, as we will be using the candles in our worship. (Just make sure you aren’t like that Vicar who set light to himself while live-streaming). Zoom Meeting ID: 186-010-229


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Contact Mark for more details -

Online worship

4 years ago

Online worship

Do join us for our next time of worship online. This week we will be joined by Bishop Jonathan.

If you go to in your web browser, you will be prompted to install a small program (Zoom) to your device and then to join us. If you wish to try this out ahead of time we will be available between 16.00 and 17.00 each Saturday at Please contact Alan Cossey at if you have any questions.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

4 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

This Saturday sees our latest men's breakfast, now being held at Tabnabs in Mattishall near All Saints' Church on Church Plain. It is a chance for men to get together, eat and chat. Do please join us if you can.

To see the breakfast menu, please go to Please would you let Alan Cossey know beforehand this time if you are coming (see contacts page for his email address) so that we can give Tabnabs a good idea of how many are coming, particularly since they open up early especially for us (and which is very much appreciated).


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Contact Bruce for more details -

Who Let The Dads Out?

4 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 7th March 2020 we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. 

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details this time please contact Eddie Stone ( or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Eddie for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

4 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

This Saturday sees our latest men's breakfast, now being held at Tabnabs in Mattishall near All Saints' Church on Church Plain. It is a chance for men to get together, eat and chat. Do please join us if you can.

To see the breakfast menu, please go to Please would you let Bruce Smith know beforehand this time if you are coming (see contacts page for his email address) so that we can give Tabnabs a good idea of how many are coming, particularly since they open up early especially for us (and which is very much appreciated).


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Contact Bruce for more details -

Who Let The Dads Out?

4 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 1st February 2020 we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. 

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details this time please contact Eddie Stone ( or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Eddie for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

This Saturday sees our latest men's breakfast, now being held at Tabnabs in Mattishall near All Saints' Church on Church Plain. It is a chance for men to get together, eat and chat. Do please join us if you can.

To see the breakfast menu, please go to Please would you let Alan Cossey know beforehand if you are coming (see contacts page for his email address) so that we can give Tabnabs a good idea of how many are coming, particularly since they open up early especially for us (and which is very much appreciated).


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Epiphany Party

5 years ago

Epiphany Party

Fiona and I are trying something new this year. In previous years we have hosted a Christmas party in the lead up before Christmas, but unfortunately this has often clashed with the end of the school year, visits to relatives to swap presents and the Strictly final. So this year we are moving it to Saturday 4th January 2020 as an Epiphany Party. The format will be the same, with tea and cakes in the afternoon and a hot buffet in the evening.

We look forward to inviting you all to the Vicarage. No sign up sheets required, please just come.

Mark, Fiona  & family


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Contact Mark for more details -

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

Happy New Year to our dads and toddlers.
On Saturday 4th January 2020 we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out. She must be worn out after Christmas and the New Year.

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

After 5 years of meeting at Penelope's Café in Dereham (thank you, Penny), we are now meeting in Tabnabs in Mattishall. Note the change in start time.

To see the breakfast menu, please go to Particularly this first time of meeting there, please would you let Alan Cossey know beforehand if you are coming (see contacts page for his email address).


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Holy Communion with Baptism and Confirmation

5 years ago

Holy Communion with Baptism and Confirmation

Leaders: Bishop Jonathan

On December 8th we will be welcoming Bishop Jonathan, the Bishop of Lynn to All Saints Mattishall at 10:30 for a service of Baptism and Confirmation. Both Baptism and Confirmation are acts that signify steps along the journey of faith. Baptism is the sign of our commitment to the Christian faith – the step when we go from ‘knowing about Jesus’ to ‘knowing Jesus personally’. The Bible tells us that in baptism we are united with Jesus in his death and resurrection and that the water of baptism symbolises the washing away of our sins on the Cross. It is a symbol of our relationship with God as Father and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Whenever it happens, whether as a baby, child or adult, baptism is at the heart of an amazing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. You are never too old to take this step and being baptized as an adult is a wonderful experience. Confirmation means different things to different people. For those who were baptised as babies or small children, confirmation is the opportunity to publicly affirm that their faith is no longer that of their godparents or parents, but now their own. For others, it an expression of belonging, either having moved from another part of the worldwide Christian church and having made a commitment to one of the churches of our benefice, or it can express a sense of belonging not just to the local church, but also to the worldwide body of Christ. That’s why confirmation involves the Bishop, as his ministry expresses our connection as a small fragment of the body of Christ with the whole. As a benefice, we have a number of candidates for baptism and confirmation. Please pray for them and those preparing them as they look forward to this important moment in their Christian lives. But what about you? Have you yet to be baptised and/or confirmed? Is it a step that you feel drawn to? If so, please email me so we can talk it over (email address on Contacts page). Mark


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Contact Mark for more details -

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 7th December we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out.

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Annual Benefice Memorial Service

5 years ago

Annual Benefice Memorial Service

A quiet, reflectiv service to light a candel in memory of loved ones.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Act of Remembrance

5 years ago

Act of Remembrance



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Contact Mark for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As we normally do, we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If you can let me know if you are coming, that is great as I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along anyway. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

Penny does a range of breakfasts. Most of us have a full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon and toast, but Penny also does a smaller version. Porridge, scrambled eggs and so on are also available.

Good, man-centred banter is guaranteed too.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 2nd November we continue our Who Let The Dads Out? group. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out.

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Bright Party

5 years ago

Benefice Bright Party

Fun and food for all the family.


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Contact Mandy for more details - 01362 858873

Singer/songwriter & mentor to Sam Smith, Joanna Eden, brings her songs to the beautiful All Saints Church in Mattishall.

5 years ago

Singer/songwriter & mentor to Sam Smith, Joanna Eden, brings her songs to the beautiful All Saints Church in Mattishall.

Singer Songwriter, pianist and BBC One All Together Now judge Joanna Eden will be performing in Mattishall on Friday 11th October at 7.30pm.  As well as songs from her acclaimed new album 'Truth Tree’, she will be performing the music of Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, Carole King and Eagles as well as some well known jazz classics like Mr Bojangles and A Taste of Honey. 

Says Joanna “All Saints Church is a stunning space - my mum and dad Diana and John Snelling - who live in Dereham, renewed their marriage vows there 2 years ago for their Golden Wedding so it’s a very special place for our family.  I can't wait to hear my songs bouncing off those walls!"

In a twenty year career, acclaimed singer-songwriter Eden has shared stages with The Buena Vista Social Club, Jamie Cullum, The Blockheads and Ronan Keating as well as her superstar student Sam Smith who was her backing singer as a teenager. The Grammy and Oscar winning artist, has cited Joanna simply as "the reason I sing".

Joanna recently performed her songs live on BBC Radio 2 and fans include Sir Michael Parkinson who instructed his listeners to “Seek her out!”  Radio 2’s own ‘Whispering’ Bob Harris recently tweeted about Joanna’s concert and she’s received rave reviews from Mojo magazine who described her music as having “melody, mystery and bite!”

Joanna performs regularly in Norfolk and has performed at the Memorial Hall and Dereham Jazz Club.  She recently returned to the Playhouse in Norwich for the annual evening of Jazz and Cabaret in aid of cancer charities.  Joanna’s thrilled to be performing at All Saints Church (where profits will go to their conservation and repair fund) as she loves the acoustics of churches.  In fact, Truth Tree was recorded in a church in Cambridgeshire.

“We recorded the piano and vocals live in a tiny ancient Parish Church in Hadstock, then my producer Dave Blackman, my band and I added more layers in the studio. The songs were written at a very turbulent time in my life when my marriage fell apart... I was searching for love and peace... they're very spiritual and confessional in that way. The recording day was extremely cathartic for me, very special indeed! I think that's why it feels right to sing these songs in places of contemplation and celebration.

Joanna's concert will take place at 7.30pm on Friday 11 October. Refreshments available. Proceeds to ASM Conservation & Repair Fund - Charity No: 1135038

For more details and ordering of tickets (£12 each), please click here or ask at the Church Office.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Spring Harvest Local

5 years ago

Spring Harvest Local

Fiona, the family and I will be going again to the Spring Harvest Christian festival at the Harrogate Conference Centre from the 14th to the 18th April 2020. We had a great time two years ago, with inspiring teaching, great worship and the opportunity to have afternoon tea at Betty’s Tea Rooms. Over the years we have been to Spring Harvest and other similar events to be refreshed and renewed in our Christian faith and are looking forward to going next year. You can find out more at

Because we are previous attenders, we received a special low cost of £99 per adult (children are less), an offer which is still open until the end of September if we take others with us, although you will need to book accommodation separately.

If you are unsure whether this is for you, then Spring Harvest is coming to Norwich for one night only on 24th September 7:30pm at Sprowston Methodist Church, where you can have a taster of what is in store for 2020. The worship leader is Pete James, who led the worship at Harrogate two years ago and he was amazing. The cost is £8 pp or £6 pp for concessions. We can’t book these tickets for you, so you will need to go to If you don’t have a computer then we can help at the office.

Please talk to Fiona or me if you would like to know more.




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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Harvest Festival

5 years ago

Harvest Festival




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Contact Sally for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As we normally do, we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If you can let me know if you are coming, that is great as I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along anyway. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

Penny does a range of breakfasts. Most of us have a full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon and toast, but Penny also does a smaller version. Porridge, scrambled eggs and so on are also available.

Good, man-centred banter is guaranteed too.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 7th September we restart our Who Let The Dads Out? group after our summer break. As ever, it is for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. We meet in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It's a great time for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat with other dads. There are always plenty of toys to play with and it is an opportunity for Mum to have a bit of peace and quiet while you are out.

For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and fancy coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office next to the surgery on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Mattishall main road to be closed 19th August to 31st August

5 years ago

Mattishall main road to be closed 19th August to 31st August

Norfolk County Council have given notice that the main road through Mattishall (Dereham Road) will be closed between Church Plain and Mill Road from 19th August to 31st August. More details available from here.

No new news in this latest update. It is just that Alan couldn't spell Mattishall correctly the first time.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual, we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

A full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon, toast or whatever you want (less if you want) are calling you. You know it makes sense.



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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Family Service

5 years ago

Family Service


At our family service on July 14th we have a guest speaker from Guide Dogs for the Blind coming along to speak at the service and give the congregation the opportunity to meet some guide dogs. (Guide Dogs are our chosen charity for the months of July-September.) You would be most welcome to join us.


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Contact Sally for more details -

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 13th July we are running our third session of our new monthly group for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. It will be taking place in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and will run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It will be a chance for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat to other dads. There will be plenty of toys to play with.

Normally, the sessions will be on the 1st Saturday of each month (no session in August), but in July we are meeting on the 2nd Saturday. For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and are interested in coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual, we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

A full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon, toast or whatever you want (less if you want) are calling you. You know it makes sense.



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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Service on Mattishall Village Green for all the benefice followed by BBQ at the vicarage.

5 years ago

Service on Mattishall Village Green for all the benefice followed by BBQ at the vicarage.

On Sunday 30th June we are having a Benefice service to welcome Andrea Woods and her husband Tim, which will be at the Village Green service in Mattishall at 10:30am. Rev. John Hunt, who is her dad and a retired vicar, will be preaching. There will be a BBQ at the vicarage straight after the service. Please bring either a salad or dessert to share, your drink and something to sit on. Fiona and Mark will supply the meat (or veggie alternative).


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Contact Mark for more details -

Andrea's Ordination

5 years ago

Andrea's Ordination

Andrea Woods is being ordained on Saturday 29th June at 10:30am at the Cathedral as she joins the team in the Mattishall and Tudd Valley Benefice as a curate. All are welcome to this service. Do please come and support her and her family if you can.

Note there is no parking available in the Cathedral Close, but the car park at Browne's Meadow will be open and free. The car park is accessible from Recorder Road (off Prince of Wales Road). The entrance to the car park is near the St. Faith's Lane end of Recorder Road and is not well signed, but it is there between two brick buildings opposite the lampost nearest the St. Faith's Lane end of the road.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

A full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon, toast or whatever you want (less if you want) are calling you. You know it makes sense.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 1st June we are running our second session of our new monthly group for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. It will be taking place in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and will run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It will be a chance for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat to other dads. There will be plenty of toys to play with.

Normally, the sessions will be on the 1st Saturday of each month (no session in August), but in July we are meeting on the 2nd Saturday. This month of June we are meeting on the "proper" Saturday. For details of dates please see the main page here. If you are a dad or other father figure and are interested in coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Ascension Day Benefice Communion

5 years ago

Ascension Day Benefice Communion

More details to follow. Readings are:

Daniel 7:9-14
Psalm 93
Acts 1:1-11
Luke 24:44-53


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Contact Mark for more details -

Parker Sermon

5 years ago

Parker Sermon

Rev. Alice Goodman, who has been rector of Fulbourn, Great Wilbraham and Little Wilbraham near Cambridge since 2011 and will be speaking on Matthew 28:1-10, 16-end and says that she, "hopes it will be an encouraging sort of sermon!"

Do join us if you can.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Who Let The Dads Out?

5 years ago

Who Let The Dads Out?

On Saturday 11th May we are starting a new monthly group for Dads (and other father figures) and children up to and including Year 1 at school. It will be taking place in All Saints' Church, Mattishall and will run from 9 am to 10.30 am, with bacon butties and/or toast available throughout the session as well as drinks (hot and cold). It will be a chance for dads to spend time with their youngsters and chat to other dads. There will be plenty of toys to play with.

Normally, the sessions will be on the 1st Saturday of each month (no session in August), but in May and July we are meeting on the 2nd Saturday. For details of dates please see the main here. If you are a dad or other father figure and are interested in coming along, do just drop in and stay as long or as short a time as you like. For more details contact Alan Cossey ( / 01362 857904) or pop into the church office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning. The cost is £2 per family group per session.

We do hope you can join us!


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

A full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon, toast or whatever you want (less if you want) are calling you. You know it makes sense.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Stepping Out

5 years ago

Stepping Out

An informal service for all the family with Worship, Bible reading, craft activities and coffee and cake all as part of the service.


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Contact Sally for more details -

Maundy Thursday Service

5 years ago

Maundy Thursday Service

Dear friends,

“For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

With these words the apostle Paul reminds the early church at Corinth what makes the shared meal they had together as a church every week different and unique. They were not just coming together to have a dinner party, or even to strengthen their bonds as a church family, but to remember the death of Jesus and why that is important to them.

With our Maundy Thursday supper this year we will be drawing together three strands: First, our communion service as we remember the Last Supper of Jesus and the disciples; Second, a shared meal together of a simple supper with soup, bread, salad ham and cheese; Third the principle of meditative readings which will help us enter into the road to the Cross and prepare us  for Good Friday.

The service will start at 6:30pm at All Saints Mattishall on Thursday 18th April.

Fiona is doing the catering for the event, so please can you let her know that you will be attending, either directly to or using this registration form: by Tuesday 16th April at the latest.

This service is open to all, so please do pass on the invite to anyone you think might wish to come – but please get them to let Fiona know.

See you then.

With every blessing,



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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Easter Experience

5 years ago

Easter Experience

An event for families with pre school and primary aged children

Character drama sketches, dvd short story clips, 5 interactive stations (Palm Sunday, Servant Jesus, Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, Crucifixion) with an upfront 6th station all together telling of the Resurrection, time of music worship and ending with a light shared lunch.

Start time to be notified nearer the date.


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Contact Mandy for more details - 01362 858873

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.

A full English breakfast of a couple of sausages, a couple of fried eggs, beans, mushrooms, a couple of rashers of bacon, toast or whatever you want (less if you want) are calling you. You know it makes sense.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

5 years ago

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners (to elect churchwardens) will start at 19.30 and be immediately followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

5 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Crib Service

6 years ago

Crib Service




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Contact Sally for more details -

Holy Communion

6 years ago

Holy Communion




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Contact Mark for more details -

Carol Service

6 years ago

Carol Service




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Contact Sally for more details -

Village Carol Service

6 years ago

Village Carol Service



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Contact Sally for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Act of Remembrance

6 years ago

Act of Remembrance



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Contact Sally for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

In The Arena - equipping men for the challenges of life

6 years ago

In The Arena - equipping men for the challenges of life

There are many arenas in life and we may face uncertainties or difficulties that can test our integrity, resilience and character. We must prepare ourselves for these challenges so that we can ‘run with perseverance the race marked out for us’ (Hebrew 12:1 NIV). Join Rob Parsons and Gerrit Bantjes at our men’s event In the Arena to be equipped with practical strategies to withstand the challenges of life. For more details see Care for the family website or ask Alan for more details.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Benefice Bright Party

6 years ago

Benefice Bright Party

Free refreshments, games, crafts, sweets and treats. Hot dogs, crisps, tea, coffee, squash. Gift bags for children.

For anyone of any age (children must be accompanied by an adult).

We love dressing up, but no Halloween costumes, please.


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Contact Mandy for more details - 01362 858873

United Benefice Service

6 years ago

United Benefice Service


Sally's licensing with Bishop Jonathan.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Benefice Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Benefice Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Celebrating the completion of the renovation of All Saints, Welborne

6 years ago

Celebrating the completion of the renovation of All Saints, Welborne

Following the completion of all the building work that has been happening at All Saints Church, Welborne, we are very pleased to announce that Bishop Jonathan, the Bishop of Lynn, is coming  for our Rededication Service.

Those of you who have been to Welborne Church may have noticed that on the rood screen there are some musical notes and an inscription in Latin, which has been there since the early 1900’s.

We are delighted that the Bishop has agreed to sing this for us.  As far as we know nobody from the present time has heard it sung in Welborne Church before, although we did have the words translated for our church booklet in 2013.

We do hope you may be able to join with us for this celebration and stay for refreshments afterwards.  To help with catering if you will be staying would you please let the office know. Thank you.



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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Little Angels starting up again

6 years ago

Little Angels starting up again

Bumps & Babies & Little Angels Toddler Group -

The group will resume after the Summer on 12th September. It is held every Wednesday (term time only) in All Saints Church Mattishall. Wednesdays 9 -11.30am - a group for all babies, pre-school children and their grown-ups!



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Contact Mandy for more details - 01362 858873

New Alpha Course

6 years ago

New Alpha Course

Ideal for those with no or very little knowledge of the Christian faith but are intrigued to find out more!

The course runs for 11 weeks every Tuesday and involves 1 Saturday.

Taking place in Mattishall with light refreshments and course material.  Booking essential.

Please contact Liz Chappell or Mandy (Church Office – 01362 858873) for further details.

For the Alpha website, please visit


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

The Mark Experiment - "What's it all about?" session

6 years ago

The Mark Experiment - "What's it all about?" session

No, nothing to do with the Rev Mark!

What this is, is a drama of Mark’s Gospel enacted by members of our churches.  There is an information 90 minutes at ASM on Saturday 8th September at 10 a.m. with performances on the 17th and 18th November.

Firstly, it is about learning the Gospel of Mark.  Mark did not expect people to read his Gospel but to listen to it. It was written so people could memorize it, not word for word, but bit by bit, to get to know Jesus better and to tell the story to others.

Secondly, this is a book about rediscovering Jesus.  It’s about getting to know Him better, loving Him and enjoying Him.  If that’s what you want, then you can be sure Jesus wants you to experience that much more than you do.

So that is what this experiment is all about, learning the Gospel so we can get to know Jesus better.

For anyone who may be remotely interested, come along on the Saturday to learn more about this project before making any commitment.  All are most welcome.

We need 15 people, 8 men and 7 women, including 50 % ish to be between 17 and 30/35! 

If anyone wishes to speak with me about this before hand then do make contact.

Praying for you all to pray about this and to seek Gods will in this.  His will be done in this place. 

Challenge accepted?


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Contact Jackie for more details -

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Catching-Up-At-The-End-Of-The-Summer BBQ

6 years ago

Catching-Up-At-The-End-Of-The-Summer BBQ

Mark and Fiona would like to invite you to a Catching-Up-At-The-End-Of-The-Summer BBQ on Sunday 26th August from 4pm at The Vicarage. Please bring a salad or pudding, drink to share and your own chairs. Fiona and Mark will provide the sausages, burgers and vegetarian alternatives.

Unfortunately, rain is forecast for the time of this BBQ so it has had to be called off.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Welborne Book Sale

6 years ago

Welborne Book Sale

Tasty homemade refreshments. Free parking. 1000s of books priced to sell.

If you have books you wish to donate please call Richard on 01362 850775 to arrange collection.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Learn about Traditional Repair Techniques for Historic Buildings at the FAWLTY TOWER

6 years ago

Learn about Traditional Repair Techniques for Historic Buildings at the FAWLTY TOWER

The Fawlty Tower project is coming to an end; the repairs and improvements have been successfully completed, and our village church is ready to be used again. In order to maintain the church in its improved state, we will be hosting a series of expert led hands-on sessions in which you can learn about the repair techniques, materials and skills required to maintain historic buildings. There is no charge for these practical sessions and no prior knowledge or skills are required, only an interest in learning about traditional repair techniques for historic buildings. To find out more and to sign up for the sessions. Please contact Richard Took ( ), or Dean Sully (

This event is being repeated on 7th, 14th and 15th July also at 11.00 - 16.00.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

North Tuddenham 100

6 years ago

North Tuddenham 100

"The ultimate in tests of team speed and agility. Take part or just have fun watching local teams competing for the Redgrave Trophy and the chance to win £100. Register a team today. or contact Tracey on 07766 731435 or Mike on 07951 956906.


Please note that the previous notice stating that there will be no service in St. Mary's on this date is incorrect. There will be a said service of Morning Prayer. Sorry for the confusion.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Mattishall Churches Together "Service on the Green" / United Benefice Service followed by cakes and coffee

6 years ago

Mattishall Churches Together "Service on the Green" / United Benefice Service followed by cakes and coffee

The annual outside service of the joint churches of Mattishall (Methodist, Evangelical and All Saints') will take place on the village green. There will not be a BBQ afterwards as originally planned, but there will be cakes and drinks. There will be craft for the youngsters during the service as well. Please do join us if you can (and bring a chair).

This service is also a United Benefice Service for the whole of our benefice. Do please join us if you are a member of one of the other congregations of the benefice.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Dementia Training

6 years ago

Dementia Training

We have been thinking about undertaking an evening of training, so we can announce our churches are dementia friendly. So, Rev Gill Wells from Shipdham will be with us on Wednesday 6th June at 7.15 pm to lead us in this training.  It would be good if at least one representative from each church could attend so we can genuinely announce ALL our churches are dementia friendly. We shall be meeting at All Saints', Mattishall so plenty of space for lots of people to come if they wish. Please contact the Church Office to let them know how many and who will be attending.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Prayer and Reflective Morning

6 years ago

Prayer and Reflective Morning

A prayer and reflective morning is available for anyone to attend at 4 Mill Road, Mattishall, 9am – 1pm, on Saturday, 12th May.  Refreshments provided, but please bring a packed lunch.  If you are hoping to come along please do let Sue Cossey know where possible, but you are so welcome to come along last minute if you are able to.


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Ascension Day Service

6 years ago

Ascension Day Service

On Ascension Day, Thursday, 10th May, we are holding a prayer and praise time of worship at 7.30pm in All Saints church, Mattishall.  Let’s come together and be as one.


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Contact Jackie for more details -

Family Day and Fun Run (Archdeacon's Charge)

6 years ago

Family Day and Fun Run (Archdeacon's Charge)

Come to the 2018 Archdeacon's Charge - a Family Day and Fun Run - and join others from the Benefice and Diocese for a great day out.  You can get sponsored to walk or run around the course and raise funds for your parish and for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, or just come along and enjoy the other activities on the site. This year it's at Holkham Hall.

To book in go to it costs £5 per adult. Under 18s free. Free parking. Come to the South Lodge entrance - NR23 1RX.

Make sure you bring a picnic to enjoy with others from Mattishall and Tudd Valley.


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Contact Fiona for more details - 01362 858873

United Benefice Service

6 years ago

United Benefice Service

Our United Benefice Service this week will be on the theme of "Jesus, the true vine." Tom will be preaching.

Mandy and Megan will also be speaking about their recent mission trip to Albania.

Do please join us if you can.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

ASM bells "taster"

6 years ago

ASM bells "taster"

We are holding a taster session for ringing the church bells after the 10.30 am service on 22nd April (at roughly 11.30).  Technically it will be just ‘chiming’ the bells as ‘ringing’ requires training.

However, if you would like to join Nigel Raven in the bell ringing chamber after the service tomorrow he will give you a taste of what it is like to ring the bells and you will be able to have a go at chiming a bell.   It is perfectly safe for anyone with no skill to try. 

Go and join him and have a go!  All welcome.  


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Contact Sue for more details - 01362 857904

Our Organists Entertain!

6 years ago

Our Organists Entertain!

Thanks to generous donations and active fundraising, St. Mary's magnificent 1875 Bevington Organ has been restored to full working order by master organ builders W & A Boggis of Roydon, Diss. It now sounds terrific!

To celebrate this important restoration, the P.C.C. approached our volunteer church organists, Mark and Tracey Thompson, Dougal Smith, Neville Willis and Sam Eglington, to play their favourite pieces.

The varied and packed programme includes, Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah by G F Handel,  ‘Cantina Band’ & ‘Main Theme’ from Star Wars by John Williams, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring by J S Bach and Clair De Lune by Debussy.

Tickets £10 on the door. Proceeds to St. Mary's, North Tuddenham. Full programme is here.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Big Bargain Book Sale

6 years ago

Big Bargain Book Sale

Come along to the Big Bargain Book Sale at St. Mary's, North Tuddenham. Books on every subject and to fit every budget. Free entrance. Proceeds to St. Mary's, North Tuddenham.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Short classical piano recital

6 years ago

Short classical piano recital

Hilary Egerton-Smith is hosting a short classical piano recital at her house, Old Hall Farm, Welborne; in aid of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

Limited spaces are available so booking is essential via the church office only.

Tea and coffee will be available.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Short classical piano recital

6 years ago

Short classical piano recital

Hilary Egerton-Smith is hosting a short classical piano recital at her house, Old Hall Farm, Welborne; in aid of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

Limited spaces are available so booking is essential via the church office only.

Tea and coffee will be available.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Mattishall Good Friday - Walk of Witness

6 years ago

Mattishall Good Friday - Walk of Witness

The Walk of Witness is taking place at 11am from the Evangelical church, along the main road and ending in ASM, then meeting in the church rooms for hot cross buns and a hot drink.


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Contact Mark for more details -

Lent Supper - please note change in time of start

6 years ago

Lent Supper - please note change in time of start

A Curry and Casserole Evening in Mattishall church rooms.  Friday, 23rd March at 5.30pm for 6.00pm (please note the change).  This is an alternative to Lent Lunches where we are holding a one off supper!  Donations can be made towards The Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2018, focusing on enabling local mission in Simbai, Papua New Guinea.  Tickets £5 -  available from the church office. 


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

As usual we will meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. If possible, please let me know beforehand if you are coming so I can give Penny rough numbers. If not, just come along. See you there? Lifts there and back are available from Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Women's World Day of Prayer

6 years ago

Women's World Day of Prayer

This annual service is being held at All Saints', Mattishall with a theme of "All God's creation is very good." Please contact Anna if you are able to serve on this day or would like to attend.
For more details, please have a look at their web site here.



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Contact Anna for more details -

Service of Daily Prayer

6 years ago

Service of Daily Prayer

There is a short service of Daily Prayer in the following churches on the following weekdays:

* Hockering, St. Michael's - Monday
* Yaxham, St. Peter's - Tuesday
* Welborne, All Saints' - Wednesday
* East Tuddenham, All Saints' - Thursday
* North Tuddenham, St. Mary's - Friday


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Contact Sally for more details -

Table Top Sale

6 years ago

Table Top Sale

Tables £5 each - just turn up on the day and then pay. Set up from 09:00.

Enjoy coffee and cake and browse the stalls.

Free entry and ample free parking.


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Contact Church Office for more details - 01362 858873

Informal Prayer

6 years ago

Informal Prayer

There is an opportunity to pray informally together for as long or as short a time as you would like on Saturday mornings at All Saints', Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Service of Daily Prayer

6 years ago

Service of Daily Prayer

There is a short service of Daily Prayer in the following churches on the following weekdays:

* Hockering, St. Michael's - Monday
* Yaxham, St. Peter's - Tuesday
* Welborne, All Saints' - Wednesday
* East Tuddenham, All Saints' - Thursday
* North Tuddenham, St. Mary's - Friday


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Contact Sally for more details -

Informal Prayer

6 years ago

Informal Prayer

There is an opportunity to pray informally together for as long or as short a time as you would like on Saturday mornings at All Saints', Mattishall.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Drop In

6 years ago

Drop In

We'd love to welcome you to our weekly drop-in for older people in Mattishall church rooms each Thursday.

  • he drop-in group is a social gathering for the older people of Mattishall and surrounding villages. It’s run by members of the church plus other local people.
  • There is always a lively atmosphere, with much chatting and laughter. In fact, when it is really busy the noise is quite something! Newcomers are made very welcome.
  • There is a dedicated team of helpers who are not only there to serve tea and coffee but to be a listening ear to anyone who needs it.
  • Anyone who would like to know more is welcome to come along and see what it’s like. Not only do we welcome people to come and join us, but any willing helpers would be greatly appreciated.
  • For more information, contact the church office or Janet Day.

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Contact Janet for more details -

Men's Breakfast

6 years ago

Men's Breakfast

It's time again for some grub. Meet at Penny's café on 7, Norwich Street, Dereham. Please let me know beforehand if you are coming if you can. If not, just come along. See you there?


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

Crib Service

6 years ago

Crib Service



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Contact Sally for more details -

Men's Breakfast

7 years ago

Men's Breakfast

Come along to our monthly men's breakfast and help us put the world to rights, help Bruce and Nigel sort out the Liverpool footlball team once and for all or find the meaning of life. Penny offers a range of breakfasts to get your teeth stuck into. Witty banter guaranteed.


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Contact Alan for more details - 01362 857904

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